Capitis was established with a focus on trying to fill the funding gap created by an over-regulated institutional lending industry, that couldn’t provide creative and flexible financing solutions to credible borrowers and real estate investors, by creating a transparent and accessible private lending platform.
We have been able to successfully grow our platform in a short period, and we are now focused on expanding our borrower reach through partnering up with mortgage brokers who have experienced the same frustrations with traditional lenders and want to provide more creative financing solutions to their clients.
Capitis Broker Partnership
Share In Our Success
To combat the funding gap created by the current lending industry regulations, Capitis has aimed at creating a private lending platform that brings together both borrowers and investors who wouldn’t have had access to each other otherwise, due to the lack of availability of such platforms in the market.
There are indeed many private lending companies currently operating in the private lending arena, but many have hidden fees and a complicated lending process. We try and differentiate ourselves by focusing on providing a simple and transparent lending process, both to borrowers and investors alike, that safeguards both their wealth.
Capitis aims to create long-lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships with like-minded mortgage brokers to be able to expand our borrower reach, as well as support our partner brokers to ensure that they have access to a wide range of financing solutions to offer their clients.
Proposed Broker Partnership Terms
At Capitis we charge a simple broker fee to each borrower, to cover the cost of managing the entire transaction process until the loan closes and the funds are dispersed to the borrower. This fee ranges from 5% to 10% of the total loan value, depending on the specifics on the deal.
For our partner brokers, we offer a 25% share of our broker fee for referring credible borrowers who qualify under our lending parameters. Broker fees are earned and paid upon loan closing.
For more information on partnering with us, download our informational PDF on our Brokers Partnership
Meet Brock
Throughout my 10+ year career in the real estate industry, initially as a real estate investor, then as a mortgage broker, and finally as a private lender, I have accumulated a broad range of experience utilizing several creative financing techniques that I have learned on my own.
In my initial years as a real estate investor, I accumulated a portfolio of 20 properties in 3 years, many of which were financed by private money, as I did not have many other options available at the time. Nonetheless, I learned that it was better to use private money to invest than to not invest at all. Through my real estate acquisitions, I quickly started to realize the untapped potential of private lending in generating secured and passive income while simultaneously building wealth both to lenders and borrowers.
Through my experience both as a broker and as a real estate investor, I have come to realize the importance of private lending in this arena, and the flexibility it provides to the borrower. I have also experienced first-hand as a mortgage broker the frustration of losing on a perfectly logical deal due to stringent and sometimes discriminatory lending regulations by traditional institutional lenders that don’t take into account issues like non-traditional sources of income or historical credit issues that may not have an impact on the borrower’s current financial state. That is why, as the demand for private lending continues to grow, I have dedicated the past three years to versing myself in the mechanism of private lending and creative financing.
Consequently, I decided to launch Capitis for that very reason - to connect borrowers and lenders, as well as partner with similar-minded mortgage brokers to help provide them with an alternative lending option to present their clients and help them maximize their deal closing rate. This ultimately creates a win-win opportunity for everyone involved.
“As a mortgage broker, I have experienced first-hand the frustration of losing out on a perfectly logical deal due to stringent and complex lending regulations by traditional lenders. Private lending allows us the flexibility to take into account issues like non-traditional sources of income and historical credit issues that may not have an impact on the borrower’s current financial state.”
-Brock Frost- Founder & CEO